Seven health tips
There are a lot of things we need in this world, but a emoji
isn’t one of them. International brand Durex believes we need one, and is
taking the necessary steps to get one made.Look, Durex, we get it. It’s in your
best interest for a design to be added to the keyboard of the million other
useless emojis (and the dozen or so useful ones). Even just suggesting it is
great marketing to remind people that you’re the biggest prophylactics brand
not named after an ancient nationality (or a war, a wooden horse, USC, etc.),
but is it really going to make people use protection more — or in a smarter
way?For starters, does anyone really use all of the emojis consistently?
Probably not. There are the 10 to 20 you use all the time, while the rest take
a few minutes to find anytime you need them (and then there’s the few dozen
that you have no idea what they are, what seems like an endless amount of
flags, and some random geometric shapes thrown in for good measure.